Thursday, October 1, 2009

my weekend

My weekend kind of started with a vacation. On thursday i got to go to iowa for a fall baseball trip to play against Waldorf College. We did very well for the other team being a division 3 team. We tied the first game and lost by 1 the second game.
Friday i got to get up nice and early to start moving my stuff into my new apartment in Lacrosse. I had to move in fast because i was having some friends from back home stay over night for Oktoberfest.
Then on saterday i had to get up at 5am to go help work at the parade for oktoberfest. It wasnt the funnest thing in the world but it helped raise a lot of money towards our baseball team.I didnt get done working until 3pm. Being super tired I then went home and took a couple hour nap. Just enough to go out and have some fun for the rest of the night.
After a rough saterday night I decided to spend my entire sunday being super lazy and laying in my bed all day :)


  1. Your weekend kind of sounds exactly how my weekend went. That's really cool that youre weekend started early, and that you got to participate and raise money. Wasn't it awesome having Sunday off? I did too, and made sure I didn't so anything.

  2. Its good to see that you got to stay in Lacrosse. I guess moving is not always a bad thing. Good luck with the move and your baseball season.
